Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do we want peace as much as they want war?


OK so Israel lashes out at Gaza basically saying we have had enough of the rockets coming into our homes, schools, and parks, I get that people have the right to defend their home land blah blah blah. What I don’t understand is the double standard the always seams to happen when we want to strike back. Yes there are small numbers of militants in the Gaza Strip and yes the people they are killing are innocent women children and men this makes it a terrorist act (I guess). So something has to be done agreed. Why is the only thing left to them (Israel) is violence? Killing even more women, children, and men… This makes Israel a terrorist nation. These attacks aren't justice they are vengeance.

What it boils down to is when a child is killed does the child really care why he / she was killed? Does the mother of that child care the political standing of the person shooting the rockets or dropping the bomb?

Do YOU know that the people building these weapons reside in the U.S. condoned by your government?

Now I know we have a new president (thank God that is over) but his
stance on this issue is the same as the one before.

Now Israel decides from the day the new president in elected to the day BEFORE he is inaugurated to start blowing shit up. Then just stop. Because the old pres. won’t do anything and the new pres. can’t do anything.
I had some pictures on here my wife said people didn't want to see so I removed them. But I couldn't leave this one off.
The Kingdom of Heaven is here but we as a people don't want to see it I guess.

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